Alex Schmitt: RYT-200

Alex Schmitt: RYT-200

Alexandra Schmitt
Yoga Instructor, RYT-200
Reiki I Practitioner

Alex began practicing yoga after graduating from law school. She first fell in love with yoga as a way to get out of her mind and into her body. Several years later, when faced with challenging health issues, Alex began to deepen her practice and explore aspects of yoga beyond asana. Through this experience, she discovered that yoga is so much more than movement or exercise; it is healing and transformational. This led Alex to want to share the magic of yoga with others. Alex’s classes focus on linking breath and movement to help students quiet their minds and tune in to experiencing and accepting their bodies as they are. 

When not on her mat or at work, Alex enjoys cooking, reading, traveling, and trying to snuggle with her cat Daario.